Lemont #1599
Council Activities / Photo Album
We will update this page regularly highlighting many of our council activities.
Enjoy the pictures. Remember the activities.
Let's keep up the good work, men!
And let's also have some fun while we're doing those good works!
(Clicking on most images will give you a larger view.)
Council Activities / Photo Album
We will update this page regularly highlighting many of our council activities.
Enjoy the pictures. Remember the activities.
Let's keep up the good work, men!
And let's also have some fun while we're doing those good works!
(Clicking on most images will give you a larger view.)
February 7, 2025
Career Day at St. Cyril & Methodius elementary school this week and the Knights of Lemont Council #1599 were there to participate!
Glenn Mathias was there to explain what firefighters and EMS techs of the Lemont FD do...Mike Wilson was there to explain what an engineer does...and Logan Ludwig gave his perspective on teachers and education specialists. Field Agent Jack Springmire was there to discuss life insurance and coordinate our Council's efforts for the day. Thank you, men, for your time spent with our young ones helping them shape their thoughts on what they may want to do in the future as a career choice!
( Click on any photo for a larger view. )
Career Day at St. Cyril & Methodius elementary school this week and the Knights of Lemont Council #1599 were there to participate!
Glenn Mathias was there to explain what firefighters and EMS techs of the Lemont FD do...Mike Wilson was there to explain what an engineer does...and Logan Ludwig gave his perspective on teachers and education specialists. Field Agent Jack Springmire was there to discuss life insurance and coordinate our Council's efforts for the day. Thank you, men, for your time spent with our young ones helping them shape their thoughts on what they may want to do in the future as a career choice!
( Click on any photo for a larger view. )
February 4, 2025 - February 2025 General Meeting...
A few of our brothers weren't available to be recognized for their outstanding individual efforts in 2024 at our December Christmas party. Here they are now receiving their awards from GK Joe Vucko and/or DGK Mark Mars. Congrats, men, and thank you for all you do for our council!
Top row left: Mike Bruno; Top row right: Larry Zintek; Bottom row left: Rick Slingerland; Bottom row right: Larry Baron.
A few of our brothers weren't available to be recognized for their outstanding individual efforts in 2024 at our December Christmas party. Here they are now receiving their awards from GK Joe Vucko and/or DGK Mark Mars. Congrats, men, and thank you for all you do for our council!
Top row left: Mike Bruno; Top row right: Larry Zintek; Bottom row left: Rick Slingerland; Bottom row right: Larry Baron.
January 29, 2025 - Council #1599 Youth Free Throw Contest
Our annual Free Throw Contest was held today and we are pleased to have had 61 participants this year. The winners in the various Boys & Girls age categories will now be moving on to District competitions coming up soon. Congratulations, kids!
Our annual Free Throw Contest was held today and we are pleased to have had 61 participants this year. The winners in the various Boys & Girls age categories will now be moving on to District competitions coming up soon. Congratulations, kids!
Very grateful for the recognition received from St. Alphonsus/St. Patrick's Parish for our donation of children's' bibles.....
*** Lemont Council #1599 Blood Drive - February 1, 2025 ***
👇 PDF version of Blood Drive flyer below for download. 👇

vfw-kofc_blood_drive_feb_1_2025.pdf |
2024 Lemont Council 1599 Annual Christmas Party
A grand time was had by all again this year at our council's Christmas Party held at The Crystal Grand Ballroom on December 10th. A large turnout of Knights, spouses and friends enjoyed the open bar, delicious meal and wonderful fraternity. Grand Knight Joe Vucko also was the MC at an awards recognition ceremony where brothers leading our various activities during the year were publicly thanked and rewarded with certificates of recognition for their efforts.
Enjoy the slide show below that capture some of the fun and awards of the night.
( Click on any photo to enlarge for an even better view. )
A grand time was had by all again this year at our council's Christmas Party held at The Crystal Grand Ballroom on December 10th. A large turnout of Knights, spouses and friends enjoyed the open bar, delicious meal and wonderful fraternity. Grand Knight Joe Vucko also was the MC at an awards recognition ceremony where brothers leading our various activities during the year were publicly thanked and rewarded with certificates of recognition for their efforts.
Enjoy the slide show below that capture some of the fun and awards of the night.
( Click on any photo to enlarge for an even better view. )
The tradition continues!
Be sure to put this on your December calendar!
St. Mary's is again having a Christmas Festival of Lights.
When: Dec 14, 21, & 22 from 4:30 to 8:30pm
Where: St. Mary's. 14230 Main St., Lemont, IL
Warm beverages available for purchase.
Donations welcome!
Be sure to put this on your December calendar!
St. Mary's is again having a Christmas Festival of Lights.
When: Dec 14, 21, & 22 from 4:30 to 8:30pm
Where: St. Mary's. 14230 Main St., Lemont, IL
Warm beverages available for purchase.
Donations welcome!
All third Degree Knights considering joining the Fourth Degree or who just want more information about the Fourth Degree, are cordially invited to attend an Open House sponsored by Bishop Kaffer Assembly #3232 in Plainfield.
Information is included in the flyer below. A free meal and drinks are included.
Many of your Council #1599 brothers are members of this Assembly and we would be happy to have you join with us!
We will be there on December 2nd at the Open House to help answer any of your questions.
Hope to see you there!
All third Degree Knights considering joining the Fourth Degree or who just want more information about the Fourth Degree, are cordially invited to attend an Open House sponsored by Bishop Kaffer Assembly #3232 in Plainfield.
Information is included in the flyer below. A free meal and drinks are included.
Many of your Council #1599 brothers are members of this Assembly and we would be happy to have you join with us!
We will be there on December 2nd at the Open House to help answer any of your questions.
Hope to see you there!

open_house_invite_20224_-3.pdf |
Don't miss our Council Christmas Party!
Join us Tuesday evening December 10th at 6pm
All the details and connections to make your reservations are below
Let's have another great "fraternal" fun time together this year!
Join us Tuesday evening December 10th at 6pm
All the details and connections to make your reservations are below
Let's have another great "fraternal" fun time together this year!

christmas-flyer_2024.pdf |
Friday - October 25, 2024 - Lemont Council #1599 was well represented at the October Joliet Chapter Meeting where our council formally received the Star Council Award for fraternal year 2023-2024. Congratulations to all who contributed to our great results this past year and achievement of our second straight Star Council Award. Pictured below (left to right): Ed Pocius, Logan Ludwig, Ed Harkins, John Cacciato, Joliet Chapter Membership Rep, Glen Missaggia, Grand Knight Joe Vucko and District Deputy Steve Fitzmaurice.
At our October 1, 2024 general meeting, Council #1599 held an installation ceremony welcoming two new brothers
to our order. Sean Hope and John Kavanaugh are the newest members to join Lemont #1599
and we welcome them warmly. Congratulations gentlemen!
( Click on any photo below for a larger view. )
to our order. Sean Hope and John Kavanaugh are the newest members to join Lemont #1599
and we welcome them warmly. Congratulations gentlemen!
( Click on any photo below for a larger view. )
Tootsie Rolls will be available after Sunday masses at Lemont Parishes on September 29, 2024, while supplies last. Suggested donation is $10.00 per bag of 50 pcs. Perfect for Halloween!
Knights at work during our Tootsie Roll Drive last weekend - Sept 13 & 14! Good work, men!
Tootsie Roll Drive Weekend is here!
Friday & Saturday - September 13 &14
Be generous out there when you see our Knights on the street corners, at the stores and coffee shops and wherever you find us!
If You miss us or would prefer to donate online, please use the QR code below to make your donation.
All proceeds go to support our local Intellectually Disabled Community. Thank you for your generosity!!!
Friday & Saturday - September 13 &14
Be generous out there when you see our Knights on the street corners, at the stores and coffee shops and wherever you find us!
If You miss us or would prefer to donate online, please use the QR code below to make your donation.
All proceeds go to support our local Intellectually Disabled Community. Thank you for your generosity!!!
Saturday - September 7, 2024 - Outdoor Mass honoring Our Lady....
Council 1599 was proud to sponsor today's special Mass honoring Our Blessed Mother at the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes located at St. Mary's Franciscan Center in Lemont. A good turnout of Knights, spouses, family members and friends turned out for this Mass which was presided by Fr. Thomas Koys with assistance from Deacon Daniel Rittenhouse. Light refreshments and a symbolic birthday cake (pictured below) were available after Mass. The weather was outstanding, sunny yet cooler, for a beautiful Mass outdoors. Thanks to Brother Mike Steidel and all others assisting who made this special day possible. ( Click on any photo below for a larger and fuller view. )
Council 1599 was proud to sponsor today's special Mass honoring Our Blessed Mother at the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes located at St. Mary's Franciscan Center in Lemont. A good turnout of Knights, spouses, family members and friends turned out for this Mass which was presided by Fr. Thomas Koys with assistance from Deacon Daniel Rittenhouse. Light refreshments and a symbolic birthday cake (pictured below) were available after Mass. The weather was outstanding, sunny yet cooler, for a beautiful Mass outdoors. Thanks to Brother Mike Steidel and all others assisting who made this special day possible. ( Click on any photo below for a larger and fuller view. )
"Brothers, let's bring this meeting to order..." Grand Knight Joe Vucko getting our Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024 meeting started.
A large turnout of 31 brothers were present for this general business meeting.
A large turnout of 31 brothers were present for this general business meeting.
Tuesday - August 20, 2024 - Lemont Council 1599 Family Picnic
We held our Summer picnic at the White Eagle Club in Lemont today. The weather was perfect and the food from Momma D's was great! So was the Fraternity that all who attended experienced!
Thanks to GK Joe Vucko and his picnic committee for putting this together and creating a memorable council Summer event!
Below are a few pictures from the evening. Enjoy!
We held our Summer picnic at the White Eagle Club in Lemont today. The weather was perfect and the food from Momma D's was great! So was the Fraternity that all who attended experienced!
Thanks to GK Joe Vucko and his picnic committee for putting this together and creating a memorable council Summer event!
Below are a few pictures from the evening. Enjoy!
( Click on any picture above for a larger view. )
Our August 12, 2024 Council Golf Outing was a roaring success!
Approximately 80 golfers teed it up for the shot gun start in the early afternoon, enjoyed a fun time on the course and then retired to the clubhouse for a delicious dinner and prize ceremony!
Thanks to all in attendance, our super sponsors and those who planned and made this outing the success it was!
See you all again next Summer!
Approximately 80 golfers teed it up for the shot gun start in the early afternoon, enjoyed a fun time on the course and then retired to the clubhouse for a delicious dinner and prize ceremony!
Thanks to all in attendance, our super sponsors and those who planned and made this outing the success it was!
See you all again next Summer!
Our winning team who posted a score of 14 under par...Jim McElligott, Quinn McElligott, Brian McElligott and Jon Reepmeyer. Congratulations men!!!
Our premier sponsors and a beautiful hole on this beautiful day.
Fr. Brian Ardagh getting us started the right way with prayer before heading out to the course.
The dinner reception and prize distributions in the clubhouse after golf.
Council Golf Outing, coming on August 12, 2024
Ruffled Feathers Golf Course in Lemont, 1:30pm shotgun start
This event will be jointly sponsored by K of C Council #1599 and the St. Al's & St. Pat's Mens Club
For golfers of all skill levels. It's for fun and fraternity!
Men & Women
Everyone Welcome!
See the flyer below for all the details!
Sign up your foursome, twosome or sign up as a single golfer.
Come for golf & dinner, Golf only or Dinner only.
It'll be a great event! Don't miss it!
Council Golf Outing, coming on August 12, 2024
Ruffled Feathers Golf Course in Lemont, 1:30pm shotgun start
This event will be jointly sponsored by K of C Council #1599 and the St. Al's & St. Pat's Mens Club
For golfers of all skill levels. It's for fun and fraternity!
Men & Women
Everyone Welcome!
See the flyer below for all the details!
Sign up your foursome, twosome or sign up as a single golfer.
Come for golf & dinner, Golf only or Dinner only.
It'll be a great event! Don't miss it!
PDF flyer version:

flyer_golf_outing_2024.pdf |
Tuesday - August 6, 2024 - Donation to "Jesus On Wheels"....
Lemont Council 1599 was proud to donate $2,000 in support "Jesus On Wheels", a wonderful program that supports those in need with emergency repairs on their vehicles. Making the presentation at our August General Meeting is Grand Knight Joe Vucko (left) and Brother Tom Rinke (right) from "Jesus On Wheels".
Lemont Council 1599 was proud to donate $2,000 in support "Jesus On Wheels", a wonderful program that supports those in need with emergency repairs on their vehicles. Making the presentation at our August General Meeting is Grand Knight Joe Vucko (left) and Brother Tom Rinke (right) from "Jesus On Wheels".
Tuesday - August 6, 2024 - Lemont Council 1599 welcomes three new members!
Prior to our August General Business meeting we held a Degree Ceremony an initiated three new brothers to the order of the Knight of Columbus. They are Richard Borst, Lawrence Zintek and Matthew Zintek.
Pictured immediately below are our new members along with members of our council degree team...pictured left to right are Past Grand Knight Glenn Mathias, Membership Director Jack Springmier, Richard Borst, Matthew Zintek, Lawrence Zintek, Grand Knight Joe Vucko, and Past Grand Knight Tim Mathias.
Prior to our August General Business meeting we held a Degree Ceremony an initiated three new brothers to the order of the Knight of Columbus. They are Richard Borst, Lawrence Zintek and Matthew Zintek.
Pictured immediately below are our new members along with members of our council degree team...pictured left to right are Past Grand Knight Glenn Mathias, Membership Director Jack Springmier, Richard Borst, Matthew Zintek, Lawrence Zintek, Grand Knight Joe Vucko, and Past Grand Knight Tim Mathias.
Following are some photos of the Degree Ceremony in progress. Welcome Richard, Larry and Matt! Vivat Jesus!
(Click on any picture below for a larger view.)
(Click on any picture below for a larger view.)
Annual Intellectual Disabilities Drive aka "Tootsie Roll" Drive - 2024
Our Lemont Council 1599 "Tootsie Roll Drive" will occur officially in September on Sept 13 and 14th. Our Knights will be out on the streets and at various locations soliciting donations on behalf of the Developmentally Disabled Community and Illinois Special Olympics. This year we are also soliciting donations via a QR code which allows one to make a donation with their smart phone! The OR code is below. Just scan he code with your phone and click on the link that pops up to make an electronic donation. Thank you for your generosity and enjoy your Tootsie Rolls!
Our Lemont Council 1599 "Tootsie Roll Drive" will occur officially in September on Sept 13 and 14th. Our Knights will be out on the streets and at various locations soliciting donations on behalf of the Developmentally Disabled Community and Illinois Special Olympics. This year we are also soliciting donations via a QR code which allows one to make a donation with their smart phone! The OR code is below. Just scan he code with your phone and click on the link that pops up to make an electronic donation. Thank you for your generosity and enjoy your Tootsie Rolls!
Friday - July 5,2024 - Special Our Lady of Lourdes Mass announcement...
The Lemont Knights of Columbus invite you to join us for the celebration of Mass to commemorate Our Lady of Lourdes, at the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes on the beautiful grounds of St. Mary's Franciscan Center/Slovenian Mission, on Saturday, September 7, 2024, 12:00 noon.
The story of Lourdes is well known. Between February 11 and July 16, 1858, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared 18 times to fourteen year old Bernadette Soubirous in this small town in southern France.
The Lemont Knights of Columbus invite you to join us for the celebration of Mass to commemorate Our Lady of Lourdes, at the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes on the beautiful grounds of St. Mary's Franciscan Center/Slovenian Mission, on Saturday, September 7, 2024, 12:00 noon.
The story of Lourdes is well known. Between February 11 and July 16, 1858, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared 18 times to fourteen year old Bernadette Soubirous in this small town in southern France.
Sunday - June 30, 2024 - Installation of Council Officers...
Lemont Council 1599 formally installed its officers for fraternal year 7/1-2024 to 2025 this morning at St. Patrick's Church. Worthy District Deputy Steve Fitzmaurice presided over the installation ceremony. Grand Knight Joe Vucko and his team of officers were installed in the ceremony. Below are some photo's highlighting the installation. Afterwards, a refreshments and fraternity were shared in the St. Patrick's School cafeteria. Congratulations to all Council 1599 officers! Thank you for stepping up and leading our council as move into our new fraternal year! (Note - Click on most photos for a larger view.)
Lemont Council 1599 formally installed its officers for fraternal year 7/1-2024 to 2025 this morning at St. Patrick's Church. Worthy District Deputy Steve Fitzmaurice presided over the installation ceremony. Grand Knight Joe Vucko and his team of officers were installed in the ceremony. Below are some photo's highlighting the installation. Afterwards, a refreshments and fraternity were shared in the St. Patrick's School cafeteria. Congratulations to all Council 1599 officers! Thank you for stepping up and leading our council as move into our new fraternal year! (Note - Click on most photos for a larger view.)
7/1/2024 Lemont 1599 Officer Installation program ( Click the link below to download a pdf copy ):

kofc_1599_officer_installation_program_2024.pdf |
Saturday - June 29, 2024 - Congratulations to long time Lion and Council 1599 brother Knight Fred Schmitz on receiving the Lemont Lions Club Melvin Jones award!
Tuesday - June 18, 2024 - If you missed our Council #1599 June Social, this is what you missed. A delicious sirloin steak dinner! More importantly, the social interaction and "fraternity" of the evening was priceless! Mark you calendars for our next Social on July 16th. Doors will open at 6pm. Watch your email for more information.
Today is the day! Tamale Sale!!!!
Happy Fathers Day 2024! Today is our semi annual Tamale Sunday! Lemont Council #1599 is make delicious, freshly made Chicken or Pork Tamales available for a modest donation of $11 for a half dozen, $22 for a dozen. Look for our Knights outside of all four parish church locations in Lemont this morning after Mass, while supplies last! Thank you for your support of our charitable activities!
Saturday - June 15, 2024 - Bishop Roger Kaffer Assembly #3232 Officer Installation...
Fourth Degree Assembly Officers for fraternal year 2024-2025 were installed this evening at St. Francis Xavier Church in Joliet. Among those Assembly officers are 4 members of Lemont Council #1599...Tim Mathias (Trustee), Glen Missaggia (Outer Sentinel), Dave Myers (Outer Sentinel) and Ed Harkins (Scribe). Pictured below are the officers present for the installation Mass, ceremony and dinner that followed. Congratulations, men!
Fourth Degree Assembly Officers for fraternal year 2024-2025 were installed this evening at St. Francis Xavier Church in Joliet. Among those Assembly officers are 4 members of Lemont Council #1599...Tim Mathias (Trustee), Glen Missaggia (Outer Sentinel), Dave Myers (Outer Sentinel) and Ed Harkins (Scribe). Pictured below are the officers present for the installation Mass, ceremony and dinner that followed. Congratulations, men!
Saturday - 6/8/2024 - A message from DGK Joe Vucko.....
Brother Knights,
A few of our Council 1599 members saw the "Jesus Thirsts" film, and were quite moved.
I just noticed that due to popular demand, the film will be shown again. (June 18, 19)
If interested, check this website for trailer, and for theaters showing the film: https://jesusthirstsfilm.com/
Joe Vucko
Deputy Grand Knight
Brother Knights,
A few of our Council 1599 members saw the "Jesus Thirsts" film, and were quite moved.
I just noticed that due to popular demand, the film will be shown again. (June 18, 19)
If interested, check this website for trailer, and for theaters showing the film: https://jesusthirstsfilm.com/
Joe Vucko
Deputy Grand Knight
Fathers Day 2024 Tamale Drive!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday - June 3, 2024 - Lemont #1599 Receives the RSVP Award.....
As a Knight of Columbus council, we are proud of our support of priestly vocations. The Supreme Council recently rewarded us for our efforts with the RSVP Award (Refund Support Vocations Program) for the just concluding 2023-2024 fraternal year. Congratulations, men, for all your support in this vital program in support of our Church!
As a Knight of Columbus council, we are proud of our support of priestly vocations. The Supreme Council recently rewarded us for our efforts with the RSVP Award (Refund Support Vocations Program) for the just concluding 2023-2024 fraternal year. Congratulations, men, for all your support in this vital program in support of our Church!
KC #1599 Activity - SPRED Communion/Confirmation Mass Celebration 4/28/2024
KC #1599 Knights showed up to support the SPRED (a Lemont Catholic Community faith-sharing group for people, youth and adults, with developmental or physical disabilities) Confirmation and Communion Mass at St. Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church in Lemont today.
Thanks to all brothers and family members who participated! The SPRED organization does great work and is supported by our council with our "Tootsie Roll" Drive funds. Click on any photo below for a larger view.
KC #1599 Knights showed up to support the SPRED (a Lemont Catholic Community faith-sharing group for people, youth and adults, with developmental or physical disabilities) Confirmation and Communion Mass at St. Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church in Lemont today.
Thanks to all brothers and family members who participated! The SPRED organization does great work and is supported by our council with our "Tootsie Roll" Drive funds. Click on any photo below for a larger view.
Tuesday - April 16, 2024 - April Council Social Night...
Our April night of "Fraternity" was a real "meat & potatoes" affair! Serving up our delicious stakes was brother Rick Slingerland. There was more than enough food for all attending to enjoy. Few problems of the world were solved, but we did our best to at least identify them! 😎
( Click on any photo below for a larger view. )
Our April night of "Fraternity" was a real "meat & potatoes" affair! Serving up our delicious stakes was brother Rick Slingerland. There was more than enough food for all attending to enjoy. Few problems of the world were solved, but we did our best to at least identify them! 😎
( Click on any photo below for a larger view. )
A message from Brother Mike Steidel....
On the evening of March 22, 2024, a snow shower and cold temperatures at St. Mary’s Franciscan Retreat Center in Lemont drove Brother Knight Larry Baron (shown on the cross in the photo below) and his cast of Christ’s followers from the outdoor Stations of the Cross to an indoor Chapel at the Center where the cast dressed in period garments depicted the events of Christ’s Passion. The event ended with the cast and parishioners in attendance reciting the 14 Stations of the Cross We pray for warm and dry weather next year for a repeat performance at the outdoor Stations adjacent to the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes.
A huge "Thanks" goes out to those organizing and participating in this year's performance and to all those in attendance!
Mike Steidel, Council #1599
( Click on any photo below for a larger view. )
On the evening of March 22, 2024, a snow shower and cold temperatures at St. Mary’s Franciscan Retreat Center in Lemont drove Brother Knight Larry Baron (shown on the cross in the photo below) and his cast of Christ’s followers from the outdoor Stations of the Cross to an indoor Chapel at the Center where the cast dressed in period garments depicted the events of Christ’s Passion. The event ended with the cast and parishioners in attendance reciting the 14 Stations of the Cross We pray for warm and dry weather next year for a repeat performance at the outdoor Stations adjacent to the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes.
A huge "Thanks" goes out to those organizing and participating in this year's performance and to all those in attendance!
Mike Steidel, Council #1599
( Click on any photo below for a larger view. )
A message from DGK Joe Vucko and Brother Mike Steidel...
A Living Stations of the Cross will be held outdoors on Friday March 22, 2024 by Fr. Metod, the Pastor at St.Mary's Franciscan Center, located at 14246 Main Street in Lemont, IL 60439 (at the top of hill above the Slovenian Center)..
The ceremony will begin at 5:30 PM inside the Franciscan Retreat Center, a building with a parking lot located East (left) of the circle drive at the top of the hill. The Faithful will then begin their walk outdoors to the Stations of the Cross which circle a pond adjacent to the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes. Lemont Council #1599 Brother Larry Baron is chairing this event.
A Living Stations of the Cross will be held outdoors on Friday March 22, 2024 by Fr. Metod, the Pastor at St.Mary's Franciscan Center, located at 14246 Main Street in Lemont, IL 60439 (at the top of hill above the Slovenian Center)..
The ceremony will begin at 5:30 PM inside the Franciscan Retreat Center, a building with a parking lot located East (left) of the circle drive at the top of the hill. The Faithful will then begin their walk outdoors to the Stations of the Cross which circle a pond adjacent to the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes. Lemont Council #1599 Brother Larry Baron is chairing this event.
Wednesday - February 21, 2024 - Activities that may interest you and are worthy of our support...
1) Allen Pratt, a Brother Council #1599 Knight, invites you to join "Encounters with Christ". This group meets most Saturdays from 7:00 to 8:30. See the attachment below for more details.
2) The Slovenian Catholic Center is having their Fish Fry this Friday (Feb 23), from 4:30 to 7:30pm. Proceeds go to "Hope's on the Way", a project that our Deacon John Vidmar and daughter Miha are involved in. (Dining is at the newer building immediately to the right when you come up the driveway.) See the flyer below for more details.
1) Allen Pratt, a Brother Council #1599 Knight, invites you to join "Encounters with Christ". This group meets most Saturdays from 7:00 to 8:30. See the attachment below for more details.
2) The Slovenian Catholic Center is having their Fish Fry this Friday (Feb 23), from 4:30 to 7:30pm. Proceeds go to "Hope's on the Way", a project that our Deacon John Vidmar and daughter Miha are involved in. (Dining is at the newer building immediately to the right when you come up the driveway.) See the flyer below for more details.
Tuesday - February 20, 2024 - A message from DGK Joe Vucko...ID Drive Pizza Social...
About 75 people were in attendance for our Tootsie Roll/ID Drive Social tonight to enjoy some pizza and company. Two checks, each in the amount of $4494.83 were presented to the "St. Alphonsus & St. Patrick SPRED" and "Northern Will Country SRA". An additional amount of about $1000.00 went to Knights of Columbus Illinois State Council for their work with Intellectual Disabilities and Special Olympics.
Special thanks goes to Glen Missaggia for his service in organizing the Tootsie Roll Drive over so many years. Additional thanks go out to John Hayes, Bob Pacetti, Tom Brieir, and John Cacciato for their behind the scenes work. And, of course, over 40 volunteers that worked the storefronts and streets in September to make this a particularly successful event!
( Click on any photo below to see a larger view. )
About 75 people were in attendance for our Tootsie Roll/ID Drive Social tonight to enjoy some pizza and company. Two checks, each in the amount of $4494.83 were presented to the "St. Alphonsus & St. Patrick SPRED" and "Northern Will Country SRA". An additional amount of about $1000.00 went to Knights of Columbus Illinois State Council for their work with Intellectual Disabilities and Special Olympics.
Special thanks goes to Glen Missaggia for his service in organizing the Tootsie Roll Drive over so many years. Additional thanks go out to John Hayes, Bob Pacetti, Tom Brieir, and John Cacciato for their behind the scenes work. And, of course, over 40 volunteers that worked the storefronts and streets in September to make this a particularly successful event!
( Click on any photo below to see a larger view. )
Sunday - February 11, 2024 - Annual Council #1599 "Tamale Drive"...
Our council conducted its annual "Tamale Drive" today and sold over 250 dozen tamales after masses at the four parishes we represent in Lemont. Another very successful drive completed! Thanks to all those parishioners who purchased tamales. We know you will enjoy our delicious products! Also, a big thanks to the roughly 20 Knights working to make the drive the big success it was today. Once again, PGK Tim Mathias ran the point on this drive and we very much appreciate all the fine work put in by Tim over the years to make this drive run smoothly. Thank you, Tim!!!
Happy Super Bowl Sunday all! (Click on any photo below for a larger view)
Our council conducted its annual "Tamale Drive" today and sold over 250 dozen tamales after masses at the four parishes we represent in Lemont. Another very successful drive completed! Thanks to all those parishioners who purchased tamales. We know you will enjoy our delicious products! Also, a big thanks to the roughly 20 Knights working to make the drive the big success it was today. Once again, PGK Tim Mathias ran the point on this drive and we very much appreciate all the fine work put in by Tim over the years to make this drive run smoothly. Thank you, Tim!!!
Happy Super Bowl Sunday all! (Click on any photo below for a larger view)
Saturday - February 10, 2024 - Fourth Degree Exemplification...
Congratulations to Brother Frank Zelezinski who became the newest member of our council to join the Fourth Degree of the Knights of Columbus today! Frank went through his exemplification in a statewide ceremony held in Bradley, Illinois. With him was our Council Memebership Director and Insurance Agent Jack Springmire. They are both pictured below, Frank on the left, Jack on the right, in a photo taken soon after the ceremony. Again, congratulations to Frank in joining the Pariotic Degree of our order!
Congratulations to Brother Frank Zelezinski who became the newest member of our council to join the Fourth Degree of the Knights of Columbus today! Frank went through his exemplification in a statewide ceremony held in Bradley, Illinois. With him was our Council Memebership Director and Insurance Agent Jack Springmire. They are both pictured below, Frank on the left, Jack on the right, in a photo taken soon after the ceremony. Again, congratulations to Frank in joining the Pariotic Degree of our order!
Saturday - February 10, 2024 - Annual Youth Free Throw Contest....
Last week Council #1599 held our annual Free Throw competition for boys & girls in 4th thru 8th grades. The Free Throw Contest was held at St. Cyril/Methodius Grammar School Gym on Monday February 5, 2024.
We are pleased to present our winners for the 2024 competition here:
Last week Council #1599 held our annual Free Throw competition for boys & girls in 4th thru 8th grades. The Free Throw Contest was held at St. Cyril/Methodius Grammar School Gym on Monday February 5, 2024.
We are pleased to present our winners for the 2024 competition here:
4th Grade Winners:
Boys - Szymon Wesoly who shot 11 of 15
Girls - Mia Mokhatas who shot 8 of 15
5th Grade Winners:
Boys - Luciano Montalto who shot 7 of 15
Girls - Helena Galicia who shot 8 of 15
6th Grade Winners:
Boys - Joey Zubek who shot 9 of 15
Girls - Ala Labuda who shot 9 of 15
7th Grade Winners:
Boys - Grayson Cerocke who shot 10 out of 15
Girls - Emily Beranek who shot 9 out of 15
8th Grade Winners:
Boys - Joe Beranek who shot 11 out of 15
Girls - Victoria Lotz who shot 13 out of 15
Tuesday - February 6, 2024 - A message from Brother Mike Steidel regarding the "Jesus on Wheels" program initiative...
“Jesus on Wheels”, a Ministry formed by Tom & Diann Rinke
In Lemont, IL, a Ministry is in gear to reveal the truth of God’s Word where He teaches us to be kind and to provide for those who are in need. Sir Knight Tom Rinke, a 4th Degree member of the Knights of Columbus Council #1599 in Lemont, IL and his wife Diann Rinke formed their Ministry called “Jesus on Wheels”.
This generous couple searches and finds owners who simply do not have the means to pay for the repairs to their car to make it street legal and driveable. These usually are cars that can be repaired, so Tom& Diann provide parts (funded by donors) that are required and they recruit independent, professional and charitable car mechanics willing to donate their labor necessary to achieve readiness in each vehicle which then is returned to the owner at no charge.
Sir Knight John Hayes, also a 4th Degree member of the Knights of Columbus Council #1599, is the tall mechanic pictured with Tom and Diann.
This is a virtuous endeavor the Rinke family has undertaken. Anyone can participate with this Ministry by making private donations to [email protected].
Also, owners can donate their stored or unused cars in disrepair to this ministry to be salvaged for parts needed to repair “Jesus on Wheels” cars.
The Rinke Ministry “Jesus on Wheels” is not a function of the Knights of Columbus but the Knights do support this ministry with annual monetary contributions. Tom Rinke and his wife have agreed to let the Knights of Columbus publish this information locally and nationally.
“Jesus on Wheels”, a Ministry formed by Tom & Diann Rinke
In Lemont, IL, a Ministry is in gear to reveal the truth of God’s Word where He teaches us to be kind and to provide for those who are in need. Sir Knight Tom Rinke, a 4th Degree member of the Knights of Columbus Council #1599 in Lemont, IL and his wife Diann Rinke formed their Ministry called “Jesus on Wheels”.
This generous couple searches and finds owners who simply do not have the means to pay for the repairs to their car to make it street legal and driveable. These usually are cars that can be repaired, so Tom& Diann provide parts (funded by donors) that are required and they recruit independent, professional and charitable car mechanics willing to donate their labor necessary to achieve readiness in each vehicle which then is returned to the owner at no charge.
Sir Knight John Hayes, also a 4th Degree member of the Knights of Columbus Council #1599, is the tall mechanic pictured with Tom and Diann.
This is a virtuous endeavor the Rinke family has undertaken. Anyone can participate with this Ministry by making private donations to [email protected].
Also, owners can donate their stored or unused cars in disrepair to this ministry to be salvaged for parts needed to repair “Jesus on Wheels” cars.
The Rinke Ministry “Jesus on Wheels” is not a function of the Knights of Columbus but the Knights do support this ministry with annual monetary contributions. Tom Rinke and his wife have agreed to let the Knights of Columbus publish this information locally and nationally.
Saturday - February 3, 2024 - Council #1599 Blood Drive....
Today our council co-sponsored a Blood Drive with the local VFW and had a very successful day helping to raise the local blood supplies available to our community. Great work brothers.... (Click on any photo for a larger view)
Today our council co-sponsored a Blood Drive with the local VFW and had a very successful day helping to raise the local blood supplies available to our community. Great work brothers.... (Click on any photo for a larger view)
Join the Lemont Knights of Columbus for Tamale Sale Sunday, February 11 after all Sunday Masses
at St. Al's/St.Pat's and St. Cyril & Methodius and St. James Lemont Churches... While supplies last...
Proceeds support charitable works in our community.
at St. Al's/St.Pat's and St. Cyril & Methodius and St. James Lemont Churches... While supplies last...
Proceeds support charitable works in our community.
Friday - January 12, 2024 - A message from DGK Joe Vucko.....
Brother Knights,
1) With safety precautions in mind, the January 16 Social at White Eagle has been cancelled in anticipation of the expected severe cold.
We hope to do our Chili Social on March 19 instead.
2) Please remember to pay your KofC Dues asap. (25 year members and priests are exempt, as are new members that just signed up on January 2). All else, if you are getting this message, Council 1599 has to pay your assessment annually, even if you do not.
3) Blood Drive. If you are able, please consider donating blood at the VFW on Saturday, Feb 3. Use QR code (previous post, below this one) to sign up, or walk-ins welcome.
Thank you,
Joe Vucko
Deputy Grand Knight
Brother Knights,
1) With safety precautions in mind, the January 16 Social at White Eagle has been cancelled in anticipation of the expected severe cold.
We hope to do our Chili Social on March 19 instead.
2) Please remember to pay your KofC Dues asap. (25 year members and priests are exempt, as are new members that just signed up on January 2). All else, if you are getting this message, Council 1599 has to pay your assessment annually, even if you do not.
3) Blood Drive. If you are able, please consider donating blood at the VFW on Saturday, Feb 3. Use QR code (previous post, below this one) to sign up, or walk-ins welcome.
Thank you,
Joe Vucko
Deputy Grand Knight
Tuesday - January 9, 2024 - A message from DKG Joe Vucko....
February 3, 2024: Lemont VFW Post 5819 and Knights of Columbus #1599 Blood Drive
Please mark Saturday, February 3rd on your calendar to give blood. Blood banks are in urgent need of lifesaving blood. The Lemont VFW Post 5819 and Knights of Columbus #1599 are sponsoring a Blood Drive from 9:00am to 1:00pm at the VFW on 15780 New Ave., Lemont.
Scan the QR code or call to make an appointment. Walk-ins are welcome but you may have to wait. Hope to see you there!
February 3, 2024: Lemont VFW Post 5819 and Knights of Columbus #1599 Blood Drive
Please mark Saturday, February 3rd on your calendar to give blood. Blood banks are in urgent need of lifesaving blood. The Lemont VFW Post 5819 and Knights of Columbus #1599 are sponsoring a Blood Drive from 9:00am to 1:00pm at the VFW on 15780 New Ave., Lemont.
Scan the QR code or call to make an appointment. Walk-ins are welcome but you may have to wait. Hope to see you there!
Tuesday - January 2, 2024 - A special recognition for Past Financial Secretary Joe Nemeth....
Grand Knight Bill Doherty (below left) recognized Brother Joe Nemeth (below right) with a Special Award of Appreciation for having completed 20 years of service as our Financial Secretary this past fraternal year. The plaque presentation occurred at our January business meeting.
Thank you, Joe, for all your years of dedicated service to our council!
Grand Knight Bill Doherty (below left) recognized Brother Joe Nemeth (below right) with a Special Award of Appreciation for having completed 20 years of service as our Financial Secretary this past fraternal year. The plaque presentation occurred at our January business meeting.
Thank you, Joe, for all your years of dedicated service to our council!
Tuesday - January 2, 2024 - Degree Ceremony highlighting the principles of our order...
Lemont Council 1599 was privileged to conduct a degree ceremony this week where the principles of Charity, Unity and Fraternity were highlighted and explained. After the ceremony was complete, we welcomed five new men into our council.
Pictured below left to right are: Grand Knight Bill Doherty, Gary Willman, John Vidmar, Gary Szafranski, Membership Director Jack Springmire, Mike Bruno and Mike O'Neill. Welcome to the Knights of Columbus and Council 1599, men!
Lemont Council 1599 was privileged to conduct a degree ceremony this week where the principles of Charity, Unity and Fraternity were highlighted and explained. After the ceremony was complete, we welcomed five new men into our council.
Pictured below left to right are: Grand Knight Bill Doherty, Gary Willman, John Vidmar, Gary Szafranski, Membership Director Jack Springmire, Mike Bruno and Mike O'Neill. Welcome to the Knights of Columbus and Council 1599, men!
(Click on any photo below for a larger view.)
Monday - January 1, 2024 - A message from GK Bill Doherty....
Brother Knights,
This is a reminder that our next business meeting is tomorrow at the Lemont VFW. We will begin promptly at 7PM with the Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity. Please try to attend as we welcome new members to our council. Attached please find the December 2023 meeting minutes.
May you and your families have a Happy, Healthy and Blessed New Year!
Bill Doherty
Grand Knight
Brother Knights,
This is a reminder that our next business meeting is tomorrow at the Lemont VFW. We will begin promptly at 7PM with the Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity. Please try to attend as we welcome new members to our council. Attached please find the December 2023 meeting minutes.
May you and your families have a Happy, Healthy and Blessed New Year!
Bill Doherty
Grand Knight
Wednesday - December 13, 2023 - Lemont Council 1599 Christmas Party 2023!!!!
Our council celebrated the Spirit of Christmas with a wonderful family Christmas party last night, December 12th. We had a great turnout and everyone seems to have had a great time. Fraternity was on display all evening! The event was also a showcase of awards recognizing many fine efforts put forth by several of our council brothers this year! Congratulations to all those recognized!
Click on any photo to see a larger view.
Our council celebrated the Spirit of Christmas with a wonderful family Christmas party last night, December 12th. We had a great turnout and everyone seems to have had a great time. Fraternity was on display all evening! The event was also a showcase of awards recognizing many fine efforts put forth by several of our council brothers this year! Congratulations to all those recognized!
Click on any photo to see a larger view.
Several individuals were recognized at our December 2023 Christmas Party for their outstanding contributions to our council throughout this past year. Most notable among these recognitions were:
Council 1599 Knight of the Year for 2023 - John Hayes
Council 1599 Knight of the Month December 2023 - Bob Pacetti
Council 1599 Knight of the Month November 2023 - Glen Massaggia
Council 1599 Knight of the Month October 2023 - Deacon Dan Rittenhouse
Council 1599 Knight of the Month September 2023 - Mike Steidel
To learn why these Knights were so recognized and all other brothers recognized or honored for their service or hard work on behalf of our council, please review the attached comments of the presenters at our December 13th Christmas party.
Note: Click on each page below to view a larger more readable version of the document.
Council 1599 Knight of the Year for 2023 - John Hayes
Council 1599 Knight of the Month December 2023 - Bob Pacetti
Council 1599 Knight of the Month November 2023 - Glen Massaggia
Council 1599 Knight of the Month October 2023 - Deacon Dan Rittenhouse
Council 1599 Knight of the Month September 2023 - Mike Steidel
To learn why these Knights were so recognized and all other brothers recognized or honored for their service or hard work on behalf of our council, please review the attached comments of the presenters at our December 13th Christmas party.
Note: Click on each page below to view a larger more readable version of the document.
Sunday - December 10, 2023 - 112th Council Anniversary Mass
Lemont Council #1599 celebrated the 112th anniversary of our founding (December 10, 1911) with a Corporate Communion Mass and special blessing at St.Patrick's Church in Lemont this morning. Following Mass, council members in attendance enjoyed some family fraternity over in the school hall. Below are photos of this special event today. (Click on any photo for a larger view.)
Lemont Council #1599 celebrated the 112th anniversary of our founding (December 10, 1911) with a Corporate Communion Mass and special blessing at St.Patrick's Church in Lemont this morning. Following Mass, council members in attendance enjoyed some family fraternity over in the school hall. Below are photos of this special event today. (Click on any photo for a larger view.)
Friday - December 8, 2023 - A message from Grand Knight Bill Doherty....
Brother Knights,
On December 10th we'll celebrate our Council's 112th anniversary at the 9AM Mass, at St. Patrick’s Church in Lemont. Please wear Knights apparel if possible. We’ll be hosting a reception with coffee and rolls immediately following Mass in the school hall. Please let me know if you’ll be attending so that we reserve enough pews for the Knights and their families.
Bill Doherty
Grand Knight
Brother Knights,
On December 10th we'll celebrate our Council's 112th anniversary at the 9AM Mass, at St. Patrick’s Church in Lemont. Please wear Knights apparel if possible. We’ll be hosting a reception with coffee and rolls immediately following Mass in the school hall. Please let me know if you’ll be attending so that we reserve enough pews for the Knights and their families.
Bill Doherty
Grand Knight
Council 1599 Christmas Party Details - 2023